Wednesday, October 22, 2014

As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust

"As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust (Flavia de Luce #7)" by Alan Bradley

I am always sad when a Flavia de Luce novel comes to an end, and "When Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust" was no different.    This series is so much fun and I'd like it if each book could go on forever.

Flavia is in a different environment this time around, and together with her author Mr. Bradley, she puts a charming spin on even a forbidding, cold Canadian girl's school. Of course there is a caper (read: murder) for Flavia to solve, and so she does.

Have I said that I am sad I've already finished it?

I will enjoy recommending the latest Alan Bradley to my bookstore's customers.  His books are always on my Go To List for those looking for an excellent tale.